Review backup status
Backup Status report is designed to provide detailed overview of the status EC2 (AMI) and EBS (Snapshots) backups. To open Backup Status report from the Main Menu, select Alerts & Report; when the page opens, switch to Backup Status tab.
Information available in the report:
EC2 Instance: - Instance ID - Instance Name - Last AMI ID - Last AMI Name - Last AMI Date - Total AMIs
EBS Volume: - Volume ID - Volume Name or device mapping - Last Snapshot ID - Last Snapshot Name - Last Snapshot Date - Total Snapshots
Additionally, two more columns show the schedule and backup status.
Whenever the icon in the second column is visible, the EC2 or EBS has scheduled a backup.
The third column contains two boxes with the following meaning:
The top box represents status of the AMI backup, where: - Green – There is AMI backup no older than 30 days - Orange – There is AMI backup older than 30 days - Red – Given EC2 does not have AMI backup
The bottom box represents status of the EBS volumes, where: - Green – All volumes attached to EC2 have backup no older than 7 days - Orange – Some volumes attached to EC2 do not have backups, or backups are older than 7 days - Red – More than 50% of volumes attached to given EC2 do not have backups
You can filter reports by selecting from five available options on the drop down list:
- All – Report shows status for all EC2 instances
- Show Instance without AMI – Report shows only EC2 without AMI
- Show Instance with AMI older than – Report shows EC2 with AMI that are older than selected amount of days; select amount of days on the slide bar
- Show Instances without volume snapshot – Report shows EC2 where at least one volume does not have snapshot
- Show Instances with volume snapshot older than – Report shows EC2 where at least one volume has snapshot older than selected amount of days; select amount of days on the slide bar
After selecting filter option, click Filter to see EC2 Instances that meet selected criteria.
Managing Scheduler Templates
You have an option to add selected EC2 Instances or EBS Volumes to existing or new Scheduler Template.
To learn more about Scheduler Templates, please read:
Introduction to Scheduler Templates
To apply EC2 to template:
- Check EC2 instance you want to apply to template; check them individually or all by clicking the checkbox in header
- Select template name from the left drop down list; to create new template, select Create New Template from the list
- Click Add
- If you selected new template, the popup windows will ask you for the name of the template
- All selected EC2 Instances are assigned to the selected or new template; if you are adding EC2 Instance to the existing template and selected Instance is already assigned to that template, it is not duplicated
To apply EBS to template:
- Check EBS volumes you want to apply to template; check them individually or all by clicking the checkbox in header
- Select template name from the right drop down list; to create new template, select Create New Template from the list
- Click Add
- If you selected new template, the popup windows ask you for the name of the new template
- All selected EBS volumes are assigned to the selected or new template; if you are adding EBS volume to the existing template and selected volume is already assigned to that template, it is not duplicated
Note: the report schedule status only shows if the given template has assigned backup action. In other words, when you create a new template or add EC2/EBS to existing templates that do not have assigned AMI/Snapshot action, the schedule icon does not appear on the report.
Exporting Report
You can export report to Excel by clicking Export to Excel.