How to add or manage AWS Account

To add new AWS Account or manage an existing one, open the Settings Menu and select Manage Accounts.

To add a new account, enter the account name, account number (your AWS account number), the AWS Access Key, and the AWS Secret Key. Additionally, if the account is located in China or in CloudGov region, check the appropriate box.

For more information about AWS Key, please read “How to Start with Elastic Cloud Gate.”

Click Add New Account to complete. Before the new account is added, the system will verify that entered information is correct. If you enter IAM keys, the minimum permission required to pass verification process is:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*"

After adding a new account, you can make further configuration adjustments by clicking Edit in the table.

Several new options* related to the given account are visible:

Pull Billing and Usage Data from AWS – When checked, the system downloads and processes your billing data from the selected S3 bucket.

Delete files from previous month – When checked, billing files from previous month are deleted from the S3 bucket.

Pull CloudTrial Data from AWS – When checked, the system downloads and processes your CloudTrail data from the selected S3 bucket.

Delete files after process – When checked, the system processes then deletes the CloudTrail file.

Pull ELB Log Data from AWS – When checked, the system downloads and processes your ELB Log data from the selected S3 bucket.

Delete files after process – When checked, the system processes then deletes the ELB Log file.

To finish configuration, click Update Account.

*Not all options are available under each plan, this is normal.

To delete account, click Delete from the table.