Search EC2 Instance

When many EC2 Instances are running, finding one to take specific action on can be difficult.

Under ECG portal is the option to search instances by numerous criteria.

To search for a particular instance, from the Main Menu select EC2.

At the top of all EC2 Instances is the box Search EC2 Instance(s). Use this box to search for Instances by:

You can also search using advanced options: to do so, click Advance Search.

The expanded panel provides access to the following options:

Volumes – When checked, Instances are searched by:

Images (AMI) – When checked, Instances are searched by:

Snapshots – When checked (Volumes checked also), Instances are searched by:

Additionally, instances and/or volumes can be filtered by scheduled action. Under Advance Search, expand the Show objects with associated scheduler(s) list and check actions. If you want to reverse the filter (meaning show objects that do not have scheduled action) check the Negate Filter checkbox.

Enter your search criteria and click Search.

To hide the Advance Search panel, click Hide Advance Search.