How to change size or type EBS volume

If you are not an Elastic Cloud Gate member, go to this link to review the 8-step process to expand the EBS volume size:

For Elastic Cloud Gate members, expanding the EBS volume size requires 2 steps:

From the Main Menu, select EC2.

Click the black arrow to the left of the EC2 instance to expand EBS volumes.

From the menu, select Change Size/Type.

Under Grow By, enter the size or percentage to expand volume, e.g. if the current size of the volume is 100GB and you want to expand to 150GB, enter 50GB or 50%.

Type of the volume can be changed by selecting the new type from the drop down list, or leave Use Current Type to maintain the current type.

To apply changes, click Change Size Now.

To execute changes on a regular basis, schedule changes by selecting Occurrence and Other Time Base options at the top of the windows, then click Save.